About project
Smart Growth Operational Programme „Fast track”. Project co-financed from EU funds.
Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 – Fast Track
Project title:
The development of bacterial identification and susceptibility testing technology based on the phenomenon of laser diffraction and analysis of morphological features of bacterial colonies.
Project value
PLN 4 890 702.13
The name of the program
Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 – “Fast Track”. Priority axis. Support for conducting R & D works by enterprises. Measure R & D projects of enterprises. Sub-measure – Industrial research and development carried out by enterprises.
Contribution from the European Funds
PLN 2 934 421.28
Subject of the project
The research carried out by the Bioavlee team confirmed the possibility of recognizing bacterial species on the basis of numerical features extracted from the diffraction spectra of bacterial colonies. The studies also confirm the superiority of the method based on diffractograms of bacterial colonies over others used to identify the type of bacterial pathogen. The conducted R & D works constituted an extension of the scope of results of the R & D works and patents purchased by the Applicant from the Wrocław University of Technology – patents P.395007 from 5/25/2011 and P.395120 from 6/3/2011. Technology is currently at the 6th level of technology readiness. Its introduction into the market requires carrying out R & D works in order to achieve level 9.
Project goals
The main goal of the project is to create and develop an innovative technology for the identification of bacteria and the system of supporting medical-veterinary decisions with the help of technology using the properties of the laser diffraction phenomenon. The result of the project will be a device deemed highly innovative by the entire European Union. According to a detailed analysis of scientific publications and patent databases (available at the Company’s headquarters), there is currently no similar solution on the European market and research work in this area has yet to be carried out.
The developed device will be the first of its kind available on the market, a maintenance-free diagnostic “robot” that combines the traditional culture of bacteria with the use of laser diffraction and artificial intelligence. The new technology will provide a quick, effective and economically viable way of identification of bacteria and support for medical-veterinary decisions.
Planned outcomes
The expected results of implementing the proposed solution on the laboratory diagnostics market are:
- increasing the effectiveness of antibiotic therapies,
- limiting the use of antibiotics in human and animal therapy to a necessary minimum,
- shortening the time necessary to apply appropriate therapeutic treatment,
- lowering the cost of therapy,
- limiting the spread of drug resistance of bacteria,
- lowering the morbidity and mortality of patients,
- improvement of food quality and safety.